Despite financial cut-backs, the creative side of prison life always seems to win through. Events such as the annual Koestler Awards are evidence of this.
So is the sterling work of, for example, Birmingham’s Geese Theatre, whose The Geese Theatre Handbook: Drama with Offenders and People at Risk has been a staple manual for trainers of all kinds since we had the privilege of working on it with them at the start of the millennium.

The government should follow Scotland’s lead and introduce a presumption against short prison sentences as part of their efforts to restore safety and stability to our struggling jails according to a new briefing, Prison: the facts, published today by the Prison Reform Trust.
The briefing reveals the current scale of the challenge facing the government, with hundreds of people flowing in and out of the prison system on short sentences every week, placing pressure on an already overstretched and overcrowded prison system.

The news that knife crime has reached its highest level ever is shocking, but not surprising, says the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW).
Knife crime is officially up by 16% as a staggering 40,147 incidents were recorded by police in the past 12 months, according to new figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) today.

Sergeant Mark Allmond and PC Quigley from Thames Valley Police who chased down a violent killer have been recognised with a prestigious Police Bravery Award.
The officers were named as the Region 5 (South East) winners at the 23rd national Police Bravery Awards in London on 12 July, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

PC Nadeem from Greater Manchester Police who single-handedly saved a man from an icy river has won a prestigious Police Bravery Award.
The officer was named as the Region 1 (North West) winner at the 23rd national Police Bravery Awards on 12 July, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales. The awards, sponsored by Police Mutual, honour and recognise police officers who perform outstanding acts of bravery.

Two Metropolitan Police officers who ran to London’s aid during a terror attack have jointly won a Police Bravery Award.
PC Keith Palmer GM was named posthumously as the Region 8 (London) winner, alongside PC Charlie Guenigault at the 23rd national Police Bravery Awards in London on 12 July, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

PCs Gary Sharpe and Victoria Threadgold from Northumbria Police who challenged a man waving a Samurai sword and gun at them have won a prestigious Police Bravery Award.
The officers were named as the Region 2 (North East) winners at the 23rd national Police Bravery Awards in London on 12 July, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

Wiltshire Inspector Ian Stevenson who risked his life to save a vulnerable woman from an oncoming train has won a prestigious Police Bravery Award.
Inspector Stevenson (now retired) was named as the Region 6 (South West) winner at the 23rd national Police Bravery Awards in London on 12 July, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

Police officers who have demonstrated outstanding acts of bravery have been commended today (Thursday 12 July 2018) at the 23rd Annual Police Bravery Awards.
The awards, hosted by the Police Federation of England and Wales and sponsored by Police Mutual, honours some of the finest officers in England and Wales who have performed incredible acts of bravery, while on or off duty.

Custodial Review editor Victoria Galligan caught up with Andy Gullick, Chief Executive of RIFT Social Enterprise, which offers accounting advice to prisoners.
RIFT Group was, established in 1999, by Chairperson Jan Post, to specialise in tax advice and refunds for individuals and small businesses. The company has since grown to be the UK’s leading tax refund specialist.