
Pineapple launches Scorpio Collapsible Mattress to prevent windows and viewing panels being blocked, reducing the number and scale of necessary interventions.

Pineapple Contracts continues to strive for safety and user-focused designs by launching the Scorpio Collapsible Mattress. The design responds to client needs to make visual inspections of rooms quicker and safer, protecting both the user and the staff.

HMYOI Aylesbury transforms their visits hall

Like many custodial establishments, HMYOI Aylesbury came to Pineapple Contracts looking for help with transforming their visits hall.

Working together, Pineapple listened to the behavioural issues faced by staff: it was an emotionally charged atmosphere which often resulted in fights and violent outbreaks. Tables and chairs were being used as weapons, regularly being thrown at others in the room. Staff were required to restrain individuals, causing upset to visiting friends and families.